Monday, February 9, 2009

It's a SON for Shawn!!

Okay so I know every guy in the world wants a son when there wife is pregnant and every girl wants a daughter so when I was first pregnant with Kenlee I was beyond excited when I found out I was having a girl, to go buy cute little dresses and bows, dolls, and to paint her nails all the girly stuff and really that's all I know I grew up with 3 sisters and my mom who all are very girly and high maintenance...(for Idaho). My husband on the other hand has not one bit of any kind of maintenance at all and so on his days with Kenlee he takes her on the ranch and to go look for deer, as soon as she see's a deer she'll say "look big stinkin buck" and then she'll put her hands on her head like antlers and say "shoot me shoot me", something her dad taught her. She even has her own seat in the tractor and in the truck next to dad, they have the same work coat and work boots that Shawn has bought her, she uses his binoculars when there spotting and has a pretend gun . The other day she called me when I was at work to tell me she went down with dad to see the baby cows ( it's calving season so we're having like 30 a day) so when Shawn took her down to the barn there was a cow calving right then. Shawn had to stick his hands in the cow, hook chains around the baby and help pull her out, all while my 2 year old daughter is watching. So she tells me on the phone "mom we had a baby and it was bloodin everywhere and dad pulled it out and there was more blood...she thought it was cool? I can't complain he adores Kenlee and she is his life so I let them do what they want to do, I would rather have it that way then Shawn not to be involved with her. Although the other day when I did come home from work her nails were painted and I didn't do it so when she told me daddy painted them I was a little shocked those of you who know Shawn know why!!
So now that were expecting again I now how bad Shawn wants a son trust me I know he asked me every day "are you going to give me a son this time?" So when we went to the hospital for our ultrasound two days ago Shawn was actually nervous I didn't care what we had either way I would have been happy, Shawn said he would be happy with another girl too but what else can he say. So When Mindy told us it was a boy Shawn later told me he held back tears(good thing he doesn't read my blog he would kill me for this one). He has reminded me a few times an HOUR that there's a boy in my belly, I told him the bed I found that will match the nursery is a $1000.00 dollars he said so it's for Karter(not that little miss Kenlee is deprived at ALL),Karter... yes Shawn's already named him and wont let me change it. He already knows what snowmobile and 4 wheeler he would will by for him. Needless to say Shawn's a little excited he finally gets a son and I am happy my little girl might spend a little less time doing daddy and son things, and just daddy and daughter things.


  1. Aww this blog made me tear up! I'm excited ur having a boy!!!! Shawn is such a good little daddy :) Love ya congrats!!!

  2. Yay!! I am really excited for you! (and Shawn) how fun. I can only imagine what my Shawn will be like when we finally get a kid. how cute! congrats!!

  3. I'm so excited you are having a boy! Nash needs a boy cousin his age... maybe our parents will finally buy some boy toys too! Ken definatly has shaen wrapped around her finger! He will love having a son too though!

  4. PS.. I promise you will know what to do with a boy! I didn't think I would, but it comes just as natural as a girl!
